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Remember: If you need to repeat it, you need to script it with Windows PowerShell.

Download the "Climbing Mt. PowerShell" Comic Book!

Today we're posting the full "Climbing Mt. PowerShell" technology comic book for download. We also have the final 8 pages.

We really think this is the most fun and useful comic with Zach, Leah and Squishy. We're proud to be releasing it to the public. Scroll on down for the download, or keep reading pages individually by clicking on the thumbnails.

Remember: If you need to repeat it, you need to script it with Windows PowerShell.


Download the "Climbing Mt. PowerShell" Comic Book! - BornToLearn

윈도우 파워쉘(Windows PowerShell) 정복을 위한 만화책이 BornToLearn에 공개되었습니다. 해당 웹 사이트의 RSS를 구독하고 있다가, 이게 무슨 일인가 싶어 보니 만화로 된 가이드북이 무료로 제공되고 있더군요. ^^


윈도우 파워쉘 공부하시는 분께 작은 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 윙크
